Mary Belden
Mary Belden-McGrath is a high-energy public speaker, leadership and business consultant, trainer and author. She inspires fearless growth in individuals, teams and companies challenging them to defy the status quo and level-up. She believes in big ideas, strong conviction and bold leadership. At the core of her strategy is the belief that only a fully committed individual, a person who approaches life all in, can bring about change. These people are the front-runners to exact positive change both in the marketplace and in the world.

 A trailblazer in every sense of the word, Mary creates Experiential Learning Programs geared toward leadership, sales, and communication. Mary Belden-McGrath is not only known for her relationship brilliance, but her fearless approach to life. Mary understands how top performers sustain success and how to translate this to others in the business world.
As a leadership training and development expert for more than 25 years, Mary has trained thousands of the country’s best business leaders. She helps managers learn to engage and bring out the best in their team, create incredible company culture, and take their organizations to the next level.

Mary Belden-McGrath is the co-founder of Driven Leadership. She has excelled in the workplace as a top sales performer, business owner, a certified master trainer in leadership skills and has sat on the governing board of non-profit organizations. She is one of the foremost experts in Innermetrix ADVanced Insights Profile (DISC, Values, and Attributes).